Sunday 8 April 2012


Apparently, Mr. Collins sent word to Mr. Bennet about Lizzy's ENGAGEMENT to MR. DARCY! I thought she HATED the man! He is the most unlikeable creature on this Earth, how could she agree to marry him? Things are becoming so strange around here, ever since Lydia's marriage. How are these things happening?


  1. Mother you must not judge. People can change and in this case Darcy has changed for Jane because he loves her and you should respect that.

  2. Mother! Darcy is a gentleman and truly loves Elizabeth. We should support Lizzy as much as possible because she is our family. It is up to Lizzy for what she will do, so let us merely believe in her.

  3. I agree! Even though Collins is related to my pal Darcy, he seems to be very unlikeable. He tried to marry almost all of your children which is ridiculous! I wish well to his family either way though.

  4. Mother, you must remember to be kind. Lizzy is your daughter and you know how strong willed she is. If she has agreed to marry Mr. Darcy it is for good reason. I trust her judgement with my life and so should you. All you have ever wanted for us was to find a husband that is well off. Mr. Darcy as about as good a guy as any by those standerds. I wish her the best and so should you. With Darcy as a husband for her the sky is the limmet. That is what you wanted for us isnt it?

  5. Please be kind to my bro Darcy. He is actually really sensitive. No one but me and Elizabeth have seen this side of him. It is quite remarkable actually.

  6. I was just as astonished as you. That is what I thought when I wrote Mr. Bennet that letter. My surprise when I heard from Lady Catherine prompted my letter. I really do disapprove of that match.

  7. Mother, you do not know Darcy as I do. He is not a disagreeable man, but an agreeable one. He is a man of honor and integrity and he will do anything for me! If you must know, he has already proposed to me once, but I rejected him. He came to his senses though, before he asked for my hand in marriage again, and changed for good.
