Saturday 31 March 2012


Mr. Gardiner has found Lydia and Wickham! Alas, there is no talk of a marriage. However, I am sure that my brother will talk sense into them. They will marry, I am positive of this.

How dare he!

Mr. Collins, I daresay that your letter was the most selfish thing I have EVER read. Our loss of Lydia is of more concern then your petty happiness of not marrying into our family! And, the fact that you tell us that we should disown Lydia is a disgrace, more so then what happened with our daughter. At least she is to be married. Good riddance, sir.

Saturday 24 March 2012

The Search

The search has begun for Lydia and Wickham. If they are already married, so be it. However, if either my brother or Mr. Bennet find reason for those two to marry-and they are not- I give full permission to have a forced marriage. I do hope, however, that this is not the case. Lydia, Lydia, why must you bee so foolish?

Mr. Bennet!

Mr. Bennet:

Please bring Lydia back safely from the hands of that devious Wickham! It is of utmost importance to retrieve my youngest! She must be taught how she has dishonoured us all, embarrassed her sisters, and made me ill! Oh, woe is me, do bring her back.

Mrs. Bennet 

Friday 23 March 2012

Miss Darcy

From what Lizzy has sent, Miss Darcy is unlike what many have told us. She is sweet and kind, even inviting my brother and sister-in-law to tea and company! Not that I believed them, no-no. From what i have read, my dear Lizzy has tried to become acquaintances, but the poor dear is too shy Nonetheless, she seem quite amiable and those with good taste should make acquaintance.  Mr. Darcy must still have high regards on Elizabeth, for what other explanation is there such cordial behavour as introducing his beloved sister to her? Mr. Gardiner also has sent his regards, and questions why we seem to make Mr. Darcy such a mean gentleman. I am beginning to have doubts on my previous thoughts, for his actions at present have destroyed all other explanations for his past transgressions.


Oh, my dear Lydia has gone off and eloped with Wickham! What awful things has he done to the poor child? How is this possible? This is an outrage, a blow at this family's honour! The deceitful, conniving, undeserving man! He shall not be called a gentleman anymore, for his actions say that he is not. We can only hope that the two are marrying out of love, and not dishonourable ideals.

Sunday 18 March 2012


I have gotten word for Elizabeth that the trip has taken her to Pemberly. Apparently, Mr. Darcy lives there. I do hope they reconcile. Having mopers around the house is really quite a drag, even though Kitty is in  better spirits.

Off again

Elizabeth is to go on a tour with my brother and his wife. The intimate details I am not certain of, but they went off this morning towards town. I have a feeling something fortuitous will happen.


There is no affection between Mr. Bennet and I! What happened to the fun days? They have been replaced by the fraying of my nerves and creating anxiety for me, that's what happened! Oh, why did I agree to this life?


The militia is departing today and Lydia has been given the offer to accompany an acquaintance to the station at Brighton. This is a wonderful idea and I do think she will have much fun. Oh, if only I had the chance to travel to the militia's station when I was her age. I wish her farewell with high spirits.

Sunday 11 March 2012

Their Return

I have gotten word that my eldest daughters are on their way back home with Lady Lucas and one of the younger Miss Lucases. Life without the two has been so strange, I daresay I miss the soft-spoken attitude of Jane and the curious look on life that Elizabeth brings. Both stabilize the family and we have missed them much at Longbourn. Have a safe return, girls!

Saturday 10 March 2012

Oh, how awful!

Mr. Darcy proposed to Elizabeth! Normally, that would be a joyous moment, but she TURNED HIM DOWN! The horror! Elizabeth, do you know what you just turned down? A wonder life with a stable income and a higher state in life! Oh, woe is me! Mary may have a better chance at marriage than you and Jane. At least she knows not to turn down a good fortune! Good riddance.

Recieved another Letter

I have received another letter from Elizabeth today. Apparently, not all Darcys are cruel and arrogant creatures. Mr. Darcy's cousin is a wonderful man with good humour, or so Lizzy says. The lack of the elder girls has been taking a toll on my already frayed nerves. Kitty and Lydia always seem to fight with Mary. Oh, how I wish the girls were back to settle these conflicts like they normally would.

Dear Jane!

Oh! Dear Jane! Such is love, my dear daughter! vexing, is it not? My eldest daughter has sent me word from my brother and sister-in-law's house. How miserable she is! Her spirits are crushed and she may die of a broken heart! Oh, the horror of love. Never-mind, you will find another soon, for marriage will come your way! My dear second eldest has gone off to see her newly-wed friend. How DARE the plain Lucas marry before my beautiful daughters? Never the matter.