Saturday 10 March 2012

Oh, how awful!

Mr. Darcy proposed to Elizabeth! Normally, that would be a joyous moment, but she TURNED HIM DOWN! The horror! Elizabeth, do you know what you just turned down? A wonder life with a stable income and a higher state in life! Oh, woe is me! Mary may have a better chance at marriage than you and Jane. At least she knows not to turn down a good fortune! Good riddance.


  1. Mother,
    i do not wish to show you any disrespect; however, I do know much more about Mr. Darcy then you ever dreamed of. I will not simply marry a man, because he contains money in his pocket or high admiration from the lips of others. However, I know stating my opinion does less to change your mind, yet I feel almost obliged to stand up for what I know was indeed a righteous manner I acted on behalf of.

  2. I completely agree with you Mrs. Bennet. Elizabeth, in my opinion, should not have denied me. I feel that she had no true reson to deny me; I am intelligent, rich, hansom, and everything that one could rich for. Elizabeth must have just been out of her right mind at the time.

  3. Mrs. Bennet,
    Despite my dear friend Mr. Darcy's first impressions, I believe that he has worked dilligently to earn back the respect of Elizabeth. Either way, she denied the poor man who means no harm. He has been my pal for awhile and has helped me through alot. This includes when he saved me from an imprudent marriage (no offense). I wish I could have done the same for him, but unfortunately, I did not.

  4. Mother, I am sure Elizabeth had her reasons as to why she denied Mr. Darcy. He was not as gentleman like as he could have been when he asked. She also said in a letter that she had many other reasons that gave her the reason to say that she must not marry Darcy.

  5. Oh mother,I do love to know that you care for my future.However, have you thought of my happiness? Marrying for only money and social status does not interest me when it does not come along with love or respect between the two who share it. I know this may hurt you, but I would rather marry for love and be poor instead of marrying rich and being miserable my entire life!

  6. I completely agree with this statement. You need to teach your daughter what to look for in a man. If you would, please bring Elizabeth to her senses and tell her to accept my offer. I mean the best for her and will help her to have a good life. How could anyone not accept me?

  7. Mrs. Bennet, why do you concern yourself so much with your daughters' relationships. Your meddling, if anything, detracts them from marrying. If you want your children to be prosperous and marry, lessen your influence over their love lives and allow them some independence.
