Sunday 18 March 2012


The militia is departing today and Lydia has been given the offer to accompany an acquaintance to the station at Brighton. This is a wonderful idea and I do think she will have much fun. Oh, if only I had the chance to travel to the militia's station when I was her age. I wish her farewell with high spirits.


  1. Oh my dearest mother, I am so very happy for our lovely little Lydia! I also wish her great joy in her trip and a safe return... but oh how I wish I could also truly feel happy! I am very worried on how she will react to it all. I have heard news from Elizabeth's talk with father, and I cannot not help but feel I must say something. I am truly confused on if I should be happy for her. I know both Lydia and yourself only want to have fun, to be happy, and I can understand that... but Elizabeth and father only meant it for the best... Oh mother, I am so confused!

  2. I can not believe that you have given permission for Lydia to go to Brighton. this is an unwise decision and i believe it will end up being costly. i strongly advise you to reverse your permission and bring her back home. because no one, nobody should ever be alone with Wickham he is dangerous.

  3. I am glad that my father decided to let them go out and have fun tyring to find their "love". My sisters deserve men that will treat them properly and that will make them feel like princesses. The feeling that a young lady gets when they are out to see what man is perfect for her is great. I just hope that the man that they each choose will not fail on them.

  4. Although it pains me to say so, I agree completely with Darcy. Mrs. Bennet, it is perfectly foolish to allow your daughters to go to Brighton. They can only get into trouble unbecoming of young ladies their age. It reflects badly on our family as a whole.

  5. As always, I agree with Darcy. Your daughters will be an embarrasment to your family, and it will be a mistake letting them go! Lydia will try to get with all the guys, rather than trying to find a thoughtful marriage! Just think about that Mrs. Bennet!

  6. I thing this could be a great idea. I just hope that someone keeps an eye on Lydia. We all know how she can get. She usualy makes better choices when other people are around though so Im not too worried about her.
