Saturday 10 March 2012

Recieved another Letter

I have received another letter from Elizabeth today. Apparently, not all Darcys are cruel and arrogant creatures. Mr. Darcy's cousin is a wonderful man with good humour, or so Lizzy says. The lack of the elder girls has been taking a toll on my already frayed nerves. Kitty and Lydia always seem to fight with Mary. Oh, how I wish the girls were back to settle these conflicts like they normally would.


  1. Mother you should not speak ill of any of the Darcy's for they are all human beings with their own personality. I am also quite glad that Elizabeth has found a man whom is kind and heart warming in her favor. She truly does deserve the best, right Mother? Do not over exert yourself for I worry about you constantly.

  2. I hope that these fights between my sisters do not continue when I come home. It seems that Lizzy is starting to notice that Mr. Darcy's cousin is not that bad of man. May she start to be liking him? I want to know how Lizzy feels about Mr. Darcy's cousin.

  3. Oh mother, I know I already told you in my letter, but Colonel Fitzwilliam is truly a nice man. The time I spent at Rosings was made more agreeable because of his presence, and it was pleasing to have someone to converse with comfortably for a long period of time. You would have been impressed with his character as well, but you would have probably spent your time scolding me for refusing Darcy's proposal instead of taking the time to notice him. I wish you understood my reasoning for my choices, but I know you never will, and I have learned to cope with that as best I can.
