Sunday 18 March 2012

Off again

Elizabeth is to go on a tour with my brother and his wife. The intimate details I am not certain of, but they went off this morning towards town. I have a feeling something fortuitous will happen.


  1. Elizabeth is going to go on a tour with uncle and his wife? Oh it has completely slipped my mind! And a feeling, you say mother? You have always known when things will arise; I do hope it will not be harmful or hurtful towards our lovely Elizabeth!

  2. By fortuitous, do you mean reconciling her feelings with Darcy or finding a new love. If so, why do you possess such a sentiment. Elizabeth is independent and may not even need a partner, but if Elizabeth's finding a new love or reconciling with an old one will placate you and your annoying presence, then maybe Elizabeth should do so.

  3. Yeah something fortuitous will definitely happen. She is going to meet me. That is very fortunate on both our parts because I love her. This is also a sign that she is slowly taking a liking for me. I hope she will fall in love with me, just as I fell in love with her.

  4. Oh mother! You must not assume things. You know Elizabeth. You know she would never let anything happen that she would not want happening...

  5. Mother, why must you always jump to such conclusions? You know very well that I have nothing to resolve with Darcy, but you continue to gossip. When will you learn that all of these assumptions will only disappoint you and get you into trouble?
