Sunday 18 March 2012


I have gotten word for Elizabeth that the trip has taken her to Pemberly. Apparently, Mr. Darcy lives there. I do hope they reconcile. Having mopers around the house is really quite a drag, even though Kitty is in  better spirits.


  1. You mean to say my dear mother that Elizabeth is in Pemberly? Mr. Darcy lives there, and they are there in Pemberly? Mother, do you know the reason? And to add to the last part, do I seem to mope? If so, I will surely try to brighten up a little! I do not want to seem as if I mope around the house, that will certainly not do, please forgive me, my dearest mother! Oh but in good news, Kitty is in better spirits? How good, I feel happy for my dear younger sister!

  2. Hopefully Elizabeth does come while I am there. If it does occur that way then I will converse with her. Hopefully she will notice the great traits of mine and will want me the way I want her. I really need to see her and hopefully it is soon Oh how I hope she comes while I am in town.

  3. Dear mother, I can understand that it isnt fun to see your daughters upset all the time. I assuer you that lizzy has good reason to be upset. As do I and you know what its like to be Lydia. We were all young once and we all acted as she does. Please dont be so quick to judge.

  4. I think Lizzy will cheer up lots when she goes to Pemberly. It's a beautiful house that Darcy has and I'm sure she will like it and want to remember it forever. Maybe she will like it so much that she will stay and reconsider Darcy after all.

  5. What do we have to reconcile over Mrs.Bennet? Indeed my estate in Pemberley is far superior to anyone else's. I dare say not many estates in this country can match mine. However, I do hope to see Lizzy at Perbermley.
