Saturday 31 March 2012

How dare he!

Mr. Collins, I daresay that your letter was the most selfish thing I have EVER read. Our loss of Lydia is of more concern then your petty happiness of not marrying into our family! And, the fact that you tell us that we should disown Lydia is a disgrace, more so then what happened with our daughter. At least she is to be married. Good riddance, sir.


  1. My dear mother- please do not be bitter towards Mr. Collins! I understand how feel but, but I wish to think he only said what he though was needed to be done. My dear cousin Mr. Collins was looking in the best interest for our family, though I also feel sorrow for the way he worded it. Disowning her would have solved nothing, in fact; I believe it would have worsened our situation! Oh mother, please forgive him, he did not mean to upset you, I dare hope to believe!

  2. Oh mother, you mustn't be so incredibly ignorant. With all do respect, Lydia's actions are foolish. Quite frankly, they are a disgrace to the Bennet name. In your desire of marrying one off, you've ruined it for the rest. Three cheers for success, right?!
