Friday 23 March 2012

Miss Darcy

From what Lizzy has sent, Miss Darcy is unlike what many have told us. She is sweet and kind, even inviting my brother and sister-in-law to tea and company! Not that I believed them, no-no. From what i have read, my dear Lizzy has tried to become acquaintances, but the poor dear is too shy Nonetheless, she seem quite amiable and those with good taste should make acquaintance.  Mr. Darcy must still have high regards on Elizabeth, for what other explanation is there such cordial behavour as introducing his beloved sister to her? Mr. Gardiner also has sent his regards, and questions why we seem to make Mr. Darcy such a mean gentleman. I am beginning to have doubts on my previous thoughts, for his actions at present have destroyed all other explanations for his past transgressions.


  1. I absolutely agree with you! Georgina is so accomplished. While she is shy, she is such a wonderful influence. The few times I have met her, she is a perfect model of grace. She always accepts my compliments with perfect amiability.

  2. She really is such a kind and pretty girl! She reminds me of Jane...oops. Anyways, I had a wonderful time hanging out with her and the families. She is truly a gem to speak to!

  3. Ahh yes! I have heard good things aswell. I hear that she is quite agreeable. I hope i get to meet her soon. I really just want Lizzy to come home already but I am happy that if she cant be here atleast she is in good company.

  4. Thank you for your kind words toward my sister. I shall be sure to carry them to her, straightaway. Also, what are Elizabeth's likes and dislikes? I just think I should know a little bit more about my future wife.

  5. My sister is really a great woman and clearly the opposite of what Wickham has said. And your thoughts concerning me are very kind. Why did you think so badly of me in the first place? I am a really nice guy and your daughter will be very fortunate to marry me.

  6. I really do hope that Miss Darcy and Elizabeth become fast friends! I do hope to meet her someday also... Who knows! Maybe at a wedding!

  7. Miss. Darcy sounds like she is a sweet and innocent girl. I know that her and Lizzy will become great acquaintances because both of them are great ladies. Lizzy better be more sencere with Darcy for I know that Lizzy is starting to create feelings for him. I am really looking forward in meeting Miss. Darcy.
