Friday 23 March 2012


Oh, my dear Lydia has gone off and eloped with Wickham! What awful things has he done to the poor child? How is this possible? This is an outrage, a blow at this family's honour! The deceitful, conniving, undeserving man! He shall not be called a gentleman anymore, for his actions say that he is not. We can only hope that the two are marrying out of love, and not dishonourable ideals.


  1. Mrs. Bennet, it pains me to say this, but this outcome was inevitable. Lydia is too free spirited to let go to a place like Brighton. And Wickham was always an iffy character, in my opinion. I cannot find any hope in this situation. It is an absolute disaster for all of us involved.

  2. That is true my dearest mother! We must stay hopeful that they were marrying out of love! If it is that, I believe we can understand why they have done this to us, to you, bringing you so much pain! Oh how I wish this is out of love, it would make things easier to understand, easier for them to be forgiven. I hope things will work out, mother dear...

  3. I know for a fact that they are not married because of love, for he has pulled this very same trick on a very close acquaintance of mine. His actions now have proved that he is not an agreeable man like everyone once thought. He is using Lydia, and I am afraid that we maybe be too late. Lets us hope that we can find Lydia before Wickham can hurt Lydia any further.
