Saturday 24 March 2012

The Search

The search has begun for Lydia and Wickham. If they are already married, so be it. However, if either my brother or Mr. Bennet find reason for those two to marry-and they are not- I give full permission to have a forced marriage. I do hope, however, that this is not the case. Lydia, Lydia, why must you bee so foolish?


  1. Do not despair! My dear Mrs. Bennet, the best outcome of this situation is a marriage. That is the only possible solution to save Lydia's reputation. Also, that would help our whole family's reputation.

  2. You should not let that man marry your daughter. You keep on talking about letting them marry to keep a reputation, but what reputation must you keep. Not to offend you, but your family does not have a great reputation. Also, Wickham is no man for your daughter, you should not let them marry. Please, take my advise.

  3. It doesn't matter if they are married yet or not, for they are both embarrasing to their families. Everybody should just cut ties to them to avoid future embarrasment!I don't think they should marry, but then again they are perfect for eachother ina way!

  4. Mother I understand your concern and whole heartedly agree with it. I think it is a bit unfair of you to call her foolish. I an sure in her mind she has done no wrong. You must remember that she is still a child and can not be heald to the same expectations as someone who is older. Please do not take my openion in offence.

  5. Oh mother please be patient and kind. Do not force Lydia to do anything she does not want to do. She is only a child and children often make mistakes. Give her the chance at love that I lost.

  6. I hope you realize that this is all your fault. Your bad parenting caused this. If i were you i would not have let her go in the first place. Now this she is gone look at what she has done.

  7. I completely agree with your sentiment that Lydia should not be eloping with Wickham. He is a despicable man who is trying to take advantage of our vulnerable daughter. I am currently searching for the two, but so far the search is in vain.

  8. Who would have thought! Wickham seemed somewhat sane when i met him. I guess love is powerful. I'm not to sure this is actually love though...
